Professional Experiences:

Frontend Developer

Nerds Studio

Aug 2020May 2022, Pakistan

  • - Designed responsive UI/UX for React.js websites using Figma, emphasizing Material UI, Bootstrap, and Styled Components.
  • - Contributed to React Native tasks for the development of Android and iOS mobile applications.
  • - Utilized Redux, Context API, and Redux Toolkit for state management ensuring data consistency and efficient state updates.
  • - Integrated Restful APIs with the front-end, effectively parsing payloads and handling responses.
  • - Conducted thorough Unit Testing using Jest to identify and resolve issues, ensuring the delivery of high-quality code.
  • - Improved website visibility through SEO optimization techniques and Google Search Console for effective page indexing.
  • - Worked closely with other developers to deliver high-quality software solutions ensuring a positive team environment.

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